Monday 26 November 2018

CANCER Prevention: Foods To Prevent Cancer

Fortunately there's an increasing mass of literature about how to pre-vent cancer. While 600,000 die/year in North America of this dead-ly plague, isn't it time we try to prevent it?! Wouldn't you rather avoid it than have to get chemo, radiation, etc? Not to mention the pain, death, debt [esp. if you live in U.S.]...?! The foods below also help once one has cancer. David Servan-Scheiber's "Anti-Cancer: A New Way Of Living" brings hope.. He looks at the work done at the University of Montreal. There Richard Beliveau tests foods on lab animals to see which fight cancer. Mice, for example, are grown with human cancers and treated. He notes the incredible results from food alone! His "Foods That Fight Cancer" is highly recommended [and the source for much of this post]. He has worked for years with drug companies. But they aren't too interested in things that can't be patented [read: $$$ generation].

1. Eat organic. Pesticides, insecticides, fertilizers, etc. are derived from fossil fuels and are toxic. That is why they spray them on the plants/soil. If somebody tells you there are no residues left on the plants, ask which company they work for. Follow the money. The WHO recently as shown that Round Up causes cancer. And it's not just GMO's that are sprayed with it, but many crops. Canadian oats, wheat and many more are sprayed. We have been so brain-washed to think or not think about what common sense dictates. Spray toxins - eat toxins.If they listed all the pesticides used on a bag of potato chips, no one would eat them!.

2. Cabbage family: including cabbage [duh], broccoli [the star], boy choy, brussel sprouts [the super-star]...

3. Berries: blackberries, raspberries and blueberries are the stars. But also black currants. All berries are full of anti-oxidants and fight cancer.

4. Green tea. Get loose leaf and drink at least 2 cups/day. Gyoruku is a star polyphenol candidate. Most Japanese are far superior than the Chinese teas. They are oft a lot more expensive and harder to find.

5. Grass-fed meat/milk. Grass is high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Non-grass-fed are fed soy and corn. The result is high Omega-6 which fuels inflammation - cancer's friend! Raw milk [and some meats with precautions such as marinating in lemon juice a few days] are best. Fermented milk products like some cheese, kefir, yogurts are best.

6. Wild fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel....high in Omega-3's.

7. Fermented veggies/beans: kimchi, sauerkraut, pickles that are fermented [not made with vinegar], natto, tempeh.... These must not be pasteurized which kills the probiotic bacteria. See my site here and my Youtube channel for videos on how to make many fermented foods.

8. Seaweed: full of minerals that support the body. Try to get from clean water sources. Great to cook with and can be added to soups and many things.

9. Eat low glycemic foods. These are foods that don't quickly affect blood sugar levels. Obvious foods to avoid are white anything - especially sugar, rice, bread, flour. Another way to put it: eat low carb foods.

10. Allium family: garlic, onions, leeks, chives. These are star cancer fighters.

11. Cucumin [aka Tumeric]. Super-star spice. Add it to any veg dish. Be sure to add black pepper so it can be absorbed. The piperine in pepper increases absorption by more than one thousand times.

12. Tomatoes. Star lycopene carrier. Best if cooked.

13. Resveratrol. Yes red wine fights cancer. The longer the grapes are fermented the better. Unfortunately the toxic sprays on grapes are especially bad. Try to buy organic. Wine is really easy to make. Watch for the how on my Youtube channel. While alcohol is also a toxin to the body, be sure to limit: 1 glass for women, 2 for men per day.

14. High fiber foods: nuts, beans, whole grain, fruits, veggies. Be sure to soak/or ferment the first three as they have anti-nutrients that need to be neutralized.

15. Mushrooms. They contain the polysaccharide Lentinan, among others, that has been shown to have anti-tumour activity. Shitake, maitake, and enokitake have large amounts of the polymers. But all mushrooms fight cancer and are immunostimulants.

16. Cocao and cinnamon. Chock full of the polyphenols: catechins. Milk "chocolate" is not applicable here! Dark chocolate [higher than 70% cocao] is ok - but the whole beans are even better!

Try to incorporate these into your daily diets. Watch for future posts on what not to eat and other healthy living/cancer prevention strategies. Enjoy these wonder-full foods! And, if you can, try to grow some of them.