Saturday 28 July 2018

The Vegan Myth Debunked: "I Don't Murder"!

What is most scary is when ideas become self-evident truths. That means that no-one questions the idea nor what formed the idea in our consciousness. Such an idea is that veganism or vegetarianism is "better for the planet". Just as unquestioned is the idea that these ideologies, turned religions, do not murder any life forms.

Let's examine these. See here for more on the topic. We don't need to debate that factory farming of animals or PLANTS is very destructive, cruel and 'in-humane" [yet many humans do]. These cause "un-due" suffering to the animals, plants, soil and other non-human be-ings - particularly micro-organisms.

The vegan who won't knowingly kill animals still eats them. Parts of pigs are used in everything from cement to paint brushes. The more we consume of many products not only uses animals products but kills by devouring the natural environment. Many vegans buy fake leather. The source is fossil fuels. No connection between these and climate change, pollution, war for oil, etc.? About 2000000 humans died in Iraq because of the U.S. invasion for oil and hegemony. And how many other life forms [not just animals] died?

So the vegan drinks almond milk instead of local, raw, grass fed cow's milk. So where do the almonds come from? How many pesticides were used? Bees are transported from all over the U.S. to pollinate such nut crops in California. What damage does this do to the bees? Then the nuts are transported all over the world - how many lives die? Well let's see. The air pollution causes climate change - which is wiping out all forms of life - including humans. Then there is the pollution to make the jets, the roads, the stores, etc. Let's not forget the pesticides, herbicides, etc. : all made - free from animals products - out of fossil fuels. The whole system is about destruction and profit [capitalism in a bag]. Some huge corporation wins. The soil and count-less lives die. Meanwhile, a local farmer has to sell his [sic] small family farm.

Traditional diets consisted of 60% fat. So how does the vegan get fat? Any local sources? Lots of local pigs, cows, ducks, etc. These animals, if on a "sustainable"/organic farm, are building the soil so that the land doesn't degrade and becomes useless. Instead, the vegan imports coconut oil, palm oil, etc. from vast distances. Not only are the labour practices terrible in these growing areas, the pollution to bring the items is immense. Let's remember the invasions of the Philippines, Central America, Hawaii...sadly the list goes the U.S. for its' United Fruit Company and others...devoured the people and land for profit and food to be robbed from the people and the land. No one or any "animals" must have died though: conscience cleared!

Let's not forget the vast forests burned to plant palm recently in Indonesia and other places. Why? For consumer "goods" like cookies. Remember: lard and animal fats are bad for you! [read facetiously]. Wiping out the earth, but somehow not "killing" anything, is more moral. Sometimes it's better to stay blinded to the truth and feel self-righteous. "Look at those fat Americans eating their pizza and burgers! Shame! GO VEGAN", they chant.

The talk of nationalities leads us to the Japanese beetles. It is a bad little, though interesting, shiny, bronze coloured, insect that devours many crops including raspberries, grapes and more. Telling a city woman I was squishing one as we chatted, she said she'd never kill one. Hmm. So how many pesticides were sprayed on her vegan food to KILL the insects? Let's not forget the ones sprayed to kill weeds also. And the tractors that ripped apart snakes, worms, frogs...birds' nests. And let's not forget the change of a life sustaining eco-system from a prairie or forest to an open field where no animals can live - even, to some degree, if it's organic. Unless it's has farm animals that are "permitted", all animal life is non-existent. Birds may live happily on some organic farms. But on chemical farms, they don't have much of a chance - except to be poisoned. The same fate applies to most of the life "forms" - including us!

It's time to stop making a hierarchy of life forms. All matter - not just the "animals" called cows, pigs, etc. With the loss and degrading of soil, it's time to bring animals back to farms - roaming freely - not caged up. Building the soil and providing healthy food, these can build community and healthy inter-dependence. We all need to grow food, if possible. We need to get in touch - and touch - the soil that sustains us. Getting out of our cars and planes will kill less life than importing vegan hotdogs from a huge corporation that bought out that cute little vegan brand. Time for real food that evolution has proven we need. We have evolved eating animals with blood in them. So let's not Go Vegan! Let's Go build sustainable communities.

1 comment:

  1. Really smart post. It is not like 90% of grains are grown to feed livestock or anything. You are totally not an inbred retarded quadroon or anything.
